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Test Programs



Test Program 1 : Bubblesort (iterative)

This test program reads elements into an array and sorts them using the classic bubblesort algorithm. (iterative version)

Input : 1. Number of elements to be sorted from standard input. 2. Elements to be sorted

Output : A sorted array of elements.

This program test the iteration, conditional and arrays.

The code for the test progam can be found here

Test Program 2 : Extended Euclid algorithm (iterative version and with functions)

This test program calculates the GCD (Greatest Common Divisor) of two numbers along with Bezout co-efficients. (iterative version)

Input : Two numbers

Output : GCD of the given two numbers and Benoud co-efficients.

This program test the iteration, parameter passing, passing of user-defined datatype as return value of function.

The code for the test progam can be found here

Test Program 3 : Bubblesort (recursive)

This test program reads elements into an array and sorts them using the classic bubblesort algorithm. (recursive version)

Input : 1. Number of elements to be sorted from standard input.
2. Elements to be sorted

Output : A sorted array of elements.

This program test the recursion, conditional and arrays.

The code for the test progam can be found here

Test Program 4 : Extended Euclid algorithm (recursive)

This test program calculates the GCD (Greatest Common Divisor) of two numbers along with Bezout co-efficients. (recursive version)

Input : Two numbers

Output : GCD of the given two numbers and Benoud co-efficients.

This program test the recursion, parameter passing, passing of user-defined datatype as return value of function.

The code for the test progam can be found here

Test Program 5 : Factorial (recursive)

This test program calculates and prints out the factorial of the first n numbers.

Input : Value of n read from standard input.

Output : Value of n!.

This program test the working of recursive functions.

The code for the test progam can be found here

Test Program 6 : Quicksort (recursive)

This test program reads elements into an array and sorts them using the classic quicksort algorithm. (recursive version)

Input : 1. Number of elements to be sorted from standard input.
2. Elements to be sorted

Output : A sorted array of elements.

This program test the recursion, conditional and arrays.

The code for the test progam can be found here

Test Program 7 : Constant Function

This test program calculates the value of a function f(x) given by :
f(x) =   91      if x>=91;
            f(f(x+11))       if x<91
So, the value of the function is always 91 for any given input number.

Input : A number

Output : 91.

This program test the recursion, parameter passing, calling a function inside the call of another function.

The code for the test progam can be found here

Test Program 8 : Linked List

This test program reads elements into a linked list and prints them.

Input : Value of length of list and list of values from standard input.

Output : The list of values stored in linked list.

This program test the working of dynamic memory allocation functions like Initialize(), Alloc() and Free().

The code for the test progam can be found here

Test Program 9 : Binary Search Tree

This test program inserts elements into a binary search tree and prints the elements in inorder, preorder and postorder traversal. The program stops taking input elements (that are to be inserted in Binary Search Tree) when the user enters 0.

Input : The elements that are to be inserted into a Binary Search Tree and a 0 at last (indicating the end of input).

Output : The inorder, preorder and postorder traversal of the tree.

This program test the iteration, recursion, conditional, arrays and passing of user-defined datatype as return value of function.

The code for the test progam can be found here

Test Program 10 :Fibonacci Series

This program prints the nth fibonacci number.

Input : An integer n.

Output : Printing the nth fibonacci number.

This program test the recursion, conditional.

The code for the test progam can be found here

Test Program 11 :Extended Euclid Algorithm using linkedlist

This program finds gcd of two numbers given by using Extended Euclid Algorithm and stores result in a linkedlist.

Input : Two numbers a and b.

Output : A list of numbers in every iteration of the algorithm a,b,d,s,t such that as+bt=d in each iteration are stored in a linkedlist and are printed finally by iterating the linked list.

This program test the iteration, recursion, conditional, passing of user-defined datatype as return value of function.

The code for the test progam can be found here

Test Program 12 :Extended Euclid Algorithm (Iterative version without functions)

This test program calculates the GCD (Greatest Common Divisor) of two numbers along with Bezout co-efficients. (iterative version)

Input : Two numbers

Output : GCD of the given two numbers and Benoud co-efficients.

This program tests the iteration.

The code for the test progam can be found here

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