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Stage 0 : Installation and Preparation

Time estimate

2 weeks, 5-10 hours/week

Pre-requisite Reading


In this stage, you will download and familiarize yourself with the simulation package and learn the compiler design software tools LEX and YACC. Follow the instructions below.

  1. Install the LEX, YACC and the XSM simulator package. Follow the instructions here

    You need to learn two software tools - YACC and LEX which you will use in the project. These tools are somewhat sophisticated. Fortunately, understanding what is enough for the purpose of our compiler project is not very difficult. The following tutorials will help you through this process.

    If you are not already familiar with the tools LEX and YACC do the following:

  2. Complete the LEX tutorial.

  3. Complete the YACC tutorial.

  4. Complete the Using YACC with LEX tutorial.

  5. Complete the GDB Tutorial

    The next step is to understand the target machine envionment. You must carefully go through the following tutorial before proceeding to the next stage of this roadmap.

  6. Complete the XSM execution environment tutorial.

With this, you are ready with all the required pre-requisites to proceed further in this roadmap.

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