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Annotated OExpL Grammar outline

An outline for the OExpL grammar is given here. Calls to functions that update the symbol table, type table, class table and the abstract syntax tree data structures are indicated as semantic actions at certain places.

TypeDefBlock  : TYPE TypeDefList ENDTYPE

TypeDefList   : TypeDefList TypeDef
              | TypeDef

TypeDef       : ID '{' FieldDeclList '}'   { Tptr = TInstall(tname,size,$3); }

FieldDeclList : FieldDeclList FieldDecl
              | FieldDecl

FieldDecl    : TypeName ID ';'

TypeName     : INT
             | STR
             | ID       //TypeName for user-defined types
Program         : TypeDefBlock ClassDefBlock GlobalDeclBlock FuncDefBlock MainBlock

ClassDefBlock   : CLASS ClassDefList ENDCLASS
ClassDefList    : ClassDefList ClassDef
                | ClassDef

Classdef        : Cname '{'DECL Fieldlists MethodDecl ENDDECL MethodDefns '}'

Cname           : ID        {Cptr = Cinstall($1->Name,NULL);}
                | ID Extends ID {Cptr = Cinstall($1->Name,$3->Name);}

Fieldlists      : Fieldlists Fld

Fld             : ID ID ';'  {Class_Finstall(Cptr,$1->Name,$2->Name);} //Installing the field to the class

MethodDecl      : MethodDecl MDecl
                | MDecl

MDecl           : ID ID '(' Paramlist ')' ';' {Class_Minstall(Cptr,$2->Name,Tlookup($1->Name),$4);}
                                            //Installing the method to class

MethodDefns     : MethodDefns FDef
                | FDef

stmt            :    ...
                | Field ASSIGN Expr ';'
                | ID ASGN NEW '(' ID ')' ';'
                | Field ASSIGN NEW ( ID ) ';'
                | DELETE ( Field ) ';'

Expr            :     ...
                | Field
                | FieldFunction

Field           : SELF '.' ID
                | ID '.' ID   //This will not occur inside a class.
                | Field '.' ID

FieldFunction   : SELF '.' ID '(' Arglist ')'
                | ID '.' ID '(' Arglist ')'   //This will not occur inside a class.
                | Field '.' ID '(' Arglist ')'

ArgList         : Arglist ',' Expr
GDeclBlock : DECL GDeclList ENDDECL

GDeclList  : GDecList GDecl
           | GDecl

GDecl      : TypeName Gidlist ';'

Gidlist    : Gidlist ',' Gid
           |   Gid

Gid        :   ID                      { GInstall(varname,ttableptr,ctableptr, 1, NULL); }
           |   ID '(' ParamList ')'      { GInstall(varname,ttableptr,NULL, 0, $3);   }
           |   ID '[' NUM ']'          { GInstall(varname,ttableptr,NULL, $3, NULL);   } //Arrays are not allowed with class objects.

ParamList    :  ParamList ',' Param  { AppendParamlist($1,$2);}
           |  Param
           |  //There can be functions with no parameters

Param        : TypeName ID { CreateParamlist($1,$2); }


  1. The second argument to the function Ginstall() must be a pointer to a type table entry which will be NULL if it is of class type.
  2. The third argument to the function Ginstall() must be a pointer to class table entry which will be NULL if it is not of class type.
  3. The functions CreateParamlist() and AppendParamlist() help to create a linked list containing the types and names of parameters specified in an ExpL function declaration. Design of these functions is left to you.
FDefList  : FDefBlock
          | FDefList FDefBlock
FDefBlock : TypeName ID '(' ParamList ')' '{' LdeclBlock Body '}'  { GUpdate($2->name,$1,$4,$7,$8); }

Body      : BEGIN Slist Retstmt END

Slist     : Slist Stmt

Stmt      : ID ASGN Expr ';'
          | ....
          | IF '(' Expr ')' THEN Slist ELSE Slist ENDIF ';'
          | ...
          | ID ASGN ALLOC'(' ')' ';'
          | FIELD ASGN ALLOC'(' ')' ';'
          | FREE '(' ID ')' ';'
          | FREE '(' FIELD ')' ';'
          | READ '(' ID ')' ';'
          | READ '(' FIELD ')' ';'
          | WRITE '(' Expr ')' ';'

FIELD     : ID '.' ID
          | FIELD '.' ID

Expr      : Expr PLUS Expr   { $$ = TreeCreate(TLookup("int"),NODETYPE_PLUS,NULL,(union Constant){},NULL,$1,$3,NULL); }
          | ....
          | '(' Expr ')'
          | NUM
          | ID
          | ID '[' Expr ']'
          | FIELD
          | ID '(' ArgList ')'  {
                                gtemp = GLookup($1->name);
                                if(gtemp == NULL){
                                    yyerror("Yacc : Undefined function");exit(1);
                                $$ = TreeCreate(gtemp->type,NODETYPE_FUNCTION,$1->name,(union Constant){},$3,NULL,NULL,NULL);
                                $$->Gentry = gtemp;
MainBlock : INT MAIN '(' ')' '{' LdeclBlock Body '}'
                                    type = TLookup("int");
                                    gtemp = GInstall("MAIN",type,0,NULL);
                                    //...Some more work to be done
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