Winter 2021, B.Tech Semester 6 Compiler Lab, NIT Calicut¶
Total number of students crediting the course: 28.
Duration of the course: One semester (13 weeks). Credit Units: 3
A feedback questionnaire was circulated to all the students who credited the course one week before the end of the semester. The responses are summarized below.
Major stages of the Project (Each Stage subsumes the previous Stages):
- Stage 4: Imperative programs without functions. Data types: variables and arrays of integer/string type.
- Stage 5: Imperative programs with functions and recursion. Data types: variables and arrays of integer/string types.
- Stage 6: Imperative programs with support for user defined types and dynamic memory allocation.
- Stage 8: Object oriented programming support for classes and single inheritance.
Q1. Student Performance: How many stages of the project did you complete?¶
Every student has completed atleast until Stage 5.